
Online taster Placement: Restorative Justice

14 September 2020, 3:00PM-4:30PM

Presented by Centre for Innovative Justice together with Open Circle and the Neighbourhood Justice Centre

Restorative justice seeks to bring together the victim (or person harmed) the offender (or person responsible for the harm) and communities through a facilitated encounter to come to a common understanding about why the harm occurred and how it can be repaired or addressed. It is an alternative approach to the adversarial justice system that focuses on addressing the harm caused to people by a crime or other wrong rather than on the violation of a law.

Restorative Justice:

  • Works toward the restoration of victims and communities, empowering them and responding to their needs as they see them.
  • Shows equal concern and commitment to victims, offenders, and communities by involving all in the process of justice.
  • Supports offenders, while encouraging them to understand, accept, and carry out their obligations.

Join us to hear how Open Circle and the Neighbourhood Justice Centre use restorative justice to heal relationships and achieve better outcomes for their clients and the community.


Online webinar

