Tag: Open Circle


Would you meet with someone who has caused you or your family harm?

CIJ's Rob Hulls, Stan Winford and Nareeda Lewers speak on ABC - Melbourne's The Conversation Hour about the benefits of a restorative justice approach and how it can help victims find a voice & heal harm.

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“They might want to tell their story their own way, not constrained by rules of evidence or legal processes”

Victims and people harmed by crime say restorative justice helped them heal, now there are calls to make it more available.

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$1.5m boost for innovative road trauma recovery program

The recovery journey of Victorians impacted by road trauma is set to be improved thanks to a ground-breaking new partnership between RMIT and the Transport Accident Commission.

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The first victim

With only 1 in 100 victims of sexual assault ending up reporting to police, being believed, going through a committal and a trial which results in conviction, we must offer victims more than just the adversarial process. Article by Gina Rush with contributions from CIJ Open Circle's Nareeda Lewers and Renee Handsaker.

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Restorative justice in forensic mental health settings – report by student Eliza Hew

Historically, people with serious mental illness have not been included in restorative justice practices, with exclusion hinging on the assumption that this population do not have the capacity to meaningfully participate. More recently however, literature suggests that this assumption is unsubstantiated (and discriminatory); there exist significant potential benefits for patients, staff, victims and the broader community.

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Responding restoratively to Covid -19?

Although we are still confronted daily with the immediate consequences of Covid-19, at Open Circle we are beginning to turn our minds to the future. What will our daily life, work and relationships look like when this pandemic is over, and how can we respond with a restorative lens?

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Answering your questions about restorative justice and how it can complement the justice system

The Centre for Innovative Justice recently held a live webinar during Law Week in May 2020. The webinar features Centre for Innovative Justice and Open Circle staff Renee Handsaker, Anna Howard and Stan Winford discussing restorative justice and how it can complement the justice system.

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Open Circle and Restorative Justice During Covid-19

Restorative justice services around the world are being impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak and are developing their responses accordingly. At Open Circle, we too are working hard to adapt to the rapidly changing circumstances, whilst continuing to provide quality restorative justice processes to our community. The safety of service users and staff is of paramount importance to us.

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MEDIA RELEASE: CIJ launches new restorative justice service after successful pilot

A new restorative justice program that responds to crime committed by adults in Victoria has been launched by the Centre for Innovative Justice (CIJ) at RMIT University.

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Restorative justice can help victims heal

Research by the CIJ has found that restorative justice can meet the needs of victims in ways the adversarial system cannot.

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