Volunteer opportunity for RMIT JD students – Neighbourhood Justice Centre Fines Clinic
Are you an RMIT JD student who has a passion for social justice? If yes, we need your help to provide a service for City of Yarra residents dealing with fines and infringements.
*Applications for this opportunity are now closed
What is the Neighbourhood Justice Centre?
The Neighbourhood Justice Centre (NJC) was established in 2007 and is Australia’s only community justice centre. It is located in Collingwood, Melbourne, and serves the City of Yarra. Would you like experience working in a real courthouse? We are seeking volunteers to work with the CIJ Student Programs Manager and the NJC Financial Counsellors to re-establish the NJC Fines Clinic Through bringing together a multi-jurisdictional court with a wide array of support services and community initiatives, the NJC has been effective in reducing crime, increasing community safety and creating savings through fewer cases in the system.
The Fines Clinic
Students have an opportunity to contribute to the work of the NJC, through participating in its multidisciplinary fines clinic. The fines clinic sees law students, financial counseling students and financial counselors working together to assist disadvantaged clients to resolve issues relating to fines and infringements. Students have direct contact with clients and the opportunity to run files under the guidance of NJC staff.
— Induction: Thursday 8 August & Friday 9 August 2019, 9.30am-4pm
— And then placement every Friday, 9.30am-4pm, until conclusion on 1 November 2019.
* Please note, placement will not occur on 27 September 2019 due to Grand Final public holiday.
*Participating students will be asked to complete a Police History Check
How to apply
Send the following documents to Kate Ottrey, Student Program Manager at cij@rmit.edu.au by 23:59 Thursday 1 August 2019.
— Tell us in 150 words why you would like to undertake the volunteer opportunity and how it would benefit you. Include your year level and the expected completion date of your JD.
— Attach a copy of your resume that includes current contact details.