We are not currently offering any taster placement opportunities, but we hope to in the future.
The CIJ offers RMIT JD students opportunities to experience the legal sector and court system through our taster placements at the Court of Appeal, the Fair Work Commission, by shadowing a magistrate, and more. Taster placements do not provide course credit.
Court of Appeal Externship
The Centre for Innovative Justice together with the Supreme Court – Court of Appeal, offers RMIT JD students the opportunity to attend hearings at the Court of Appeal.
Students will:
- attend an appeal hearing – with students given access to the written materials before the Court;
- meet judges – before and after court hearings, judges will speak to the students and answer questions about their career experiences and the substance (and challenges) of the role;
- meet court staff to gain an idea of how the court works and the different careers of law graduates at the Court; and
- tour the Supreme Court Library.
Fair Work Commission Placement
Interested in mediation and arbitration? Ever wondered what it’s like to determine disputes between employees and their employers? Curious about how the Fair Work Commission negotiates employment agreements? Experience first-hand how Australia’s national workplace tribunal determines the matters brought before it. This placement involves shadowing a Commissioner during tribunal hearings and may also expose you to other aspects of the Fair Work Commission, such as observing enterprise bargaining negotiations or working with the unfair dismissal team.
Magistrates’ Court
Students have the opportunity to attend:
- the Assessment and Referral Court (for people with mental illness and cognitive impairment);
- the Drug Court;
- the Koori Court at the Magistrates’ Court; or
- the Neighbourhood Justice Centre.
Students may have access to case files and will have the opportunity to discuss cases, decision making and other matters with the Magistrate and other staff involved in the Court. You will gain insight into the challenges and rewards of this work.
JD students can also shadow a Magistrate as part of the course Postgraduate Business Internship offered by GSBL for course credit. For more information on this program, please see: https://www.rmitbuswil.com/postgraduate-internship
For more information on these opportunities, email cij@rmit.edu.au