Gender responsive justice and solutions – International Women’s Day Panel
Putting women’s prisons out of business: gender responsive justice and solutions in an increasingly punitive world.
The relationship between gendered violence and women’s criminalisation is well recognised, with male violence not only a direct funnel into Victoria’s male prisons, but its female prisons as well. In a criminal justice system designed to react to the extremities of this violence, however, women experience gendered justice as well. With diminishing sentencing options and a blunter justice response putting more women behind bars, the question then becomes would we need a women’s prison at all if we responded more appropriately to male violence?
This podcast is of a panel discussion celebrating International Woman’s Day the CIJ co-hosted with the Law and Advocacy Centre for Women. Panel included:
Elena Campbell, Facilitator
Ann Collins, Magistrate
Jill Prior, Principal Legal Officer, LACW
Dorothy, Advocate with lived experience
Cheryl, Advocate with lived experience
Please accept our apologies, the audio quality of this recording is distorted in parts, but we felt the content of the panel made it worth making public.