Julia Gillard on Passion, Politics and Power
23 August 2018, 12:00PM-1:30PM
After launching RMIT’s Centre for Innovative Justice in 2013, Ms Gillard is returning to celebrate its fifth anniversary.
As Australia’s 27th Prime Minister, Julia Gillard was driven by a desire to improve the lives of working people and make society fairer – articulated in her own words as “work, education, respect”.
Five years since she left politics, it seems Australia is further than ever from those values, with rising inequality, insecure and exploitative work practices, increasing rates of mental illness and imprisonment, declining education standards and revelations of widespread corporate corruption.
Now as the Chair of Beyond Blue, the Global Partnership for Education, and the new Global Institute for Women’s Leadership, what is the place for those values Ms Gillard holds dear, and how can those who share her vision continue to work to achieve change?
After launching RMIT’s Centre for Innovative Justice in 2013, Ms Gillard is returning to celebrate its fifth anniversary. She will join the Centre’s Director, Rob Hulls, former Victorian Labor Attorney General and her old friend and colleague, for this wide-ranging and personal conversation.
This event will start at 12pm sharp. As there will be no catering, please feel free to bring your own lunch.
Note: This event is now over but you can watch a video of it in the “Related Content” section below.
RMIT University Storey Hall336–348 Swanston Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000