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2018 Speeches

A selection of CIJ Director Rob Hulls’s keynote speeches from 2018

10th anniversary of ART reform in Victoria – speech for Rainbow Families, Melbourne 6 December

A Human Rights Charter for NSW – speech to the NSW Bar Association, Sydney 4 December

Integrated Service Delivery: Playing the Long Game – speech to CommUnity Plus Integrated Service Delivery Forum, Sunshine Convention Centre, 15 August

Prisons – 21st century asylums or a pathway to positive change? – speech to Legal Aid NSW, Sydney 22 June

Stakeholder forum for ANROWS PIPA Project (Positive Interventions for Perpetrators of Adolescent Violence in the Home)  Hobart 23 April

Restorative Justice in Civil Law – speech to RMIT civil justice forum – Graduate School of Business and Law, RMIT University, Melbourne 13 February


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