Community SupPORT Pathways
The CIJ is supporting an exciting pilot project led by LACW. Delivered in partnership with the Victorian Amateur Football Association, Community SupPORT Pathways for Women links criminalised women with community football clubs, providing opportunities for employment, volunteering, recreation – and, most importantly, belonging. The CIJ will deliver the embedded participatory evaluation component of the program.
With funding made available under the Victorian Community Crime Prevention Program, the Law and Advocacy Centre for Women will provide case managed support for women involved in the justice system (i.e., with a history of imprisonment, or at risk of imprisonment) who are interested in participating in the pilot. Training delivered to participating clubs on the factors associated with women’s criminalisation will help ensure women experience the program as inclusive and non-judgmental.
The program will run over a two-year period, expanding after the first year of operation and informed by interim evaluation findings. We look forward to working with LACW and the Victorian Amateur Football Association on a project that will contribute to evidence about better ways to support and respond to women in contact with the criminal justice system.