New ANROWS project announced!
Building directly on the PIPA project, Elena Campbell and CIJ are leading the new ANROWS funded project 'WRAP around families experiencing adolescent violence in the home (AVITH)' to develop a framework for comprehensive support and earlier intervention.
Source: ANROWS
The 2020–2022 ANROWS Core Grant Research Program involves eight projects that collectively address each of the research gaps in relation to children and young people exposed to violence against women identified in Australia’s National Research Agenda to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children (ANRA).
The research program has a specific focus on children and young people in marginalised populations, and will advance the evidence base in relation to effective prevention and response strategies to identify and address:
- the impacts on children and young people of exposure to violence against women
- harmful sexual behaviours of children and young people
- violence against women perpetrated by young people.
In this project, CIJ, in partnership with the Centre for Family Research & Evaluation at drummond street services and Associate Professor Silke Meyer, Deputy Director of the Gender & Family Violence Prevention Centre at Monash University – will build directly on the PIPA project to research, identify and track support needs from marginalised populations who may be experiencing AVITH amid a range of co-occurring issues.
Research shows that the majority of existing interventions focus primarily on AVITH, without an opportunity to respond to the complexity across families. Little is known about prior service support, impacts on siblings or the extent to which addressing women’s experiences of intimate partner violence may mitigate the emergence of AVITH. This project will fill a gap in evidence and future practice, supporting the development of a whole-of-family, collaborative practice framework which services across Australia can employ.
Elena Campbell is the project lead, with Riley Ellard a co-investigator in addition to our partners at CFRE & Monash.