Research + Projects

Submission to Legal and Social Issues Committee Inquiry into Victoria’s Criminal Justice System

To further our work advocating for better criminal justice responses for women, the CIJ recently made a submission to the Victorian Parliament Legal and Social Issues Committee’s Inquiry into the criminal justice system.

Our submission draws on the insights and suggestions for reform from the CIJ’s Leaving custody behind issues paper to focus attention on issues relevant to the growing rate at which women ‐ and more specifically Aboriginal women and unsentenced women ‐ are being incarcerated in Victoria.

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Women’s Decarceration

Leaving custody behind: Foundations for safer communities and gender-informed criminal justice systems

This Issues Paper draws together evidence about women’s involvement in the criminal justice system and the factors behind the escalating female imprisonment rate in Victoria. It highlights the disproportionate harm caused by the incarceration of women and the urgent need to find alternatives that better meet human rights standards.

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