Student Caitlin Jane on placement at the Mental Health Legal Centre.
Social Work students
Social Work Field Education A is a core placement opportunity in which students can apply their knowledge and skills in a workplace context.
Course credit available: If selected, Social Work students can complete this work for Social Work Field Education A subject to meeting course prerequisites.
Juris Doctor students
Clinical Legal Education (CLE) is a JD elective subject. CLE introduces students to the practice of law. Under the supervision of the Course Coordinators and staff at placement organisations, students are provided with the rare opportunity to deliver pro bono legal services to real clients.
Course credit available: If selected, JD students can complete this work for LAW2434 Clinical Legal Education subject to meeting course prerequisites.
Please contact your Program Manager or Course Co-ordinator for more information.
Placement opportunities are available at:
Law & Advocacy Centre for Women
The Law and Advocacy Centre for Women (LACW) is a community legal centre that provides a unique service for women who are in or at risk of entering the criminal justice system. Support is provided through a comprehensive, wrap-around service which includes criminal defence and other legal advice and representation alongside therapeutic case management and social work support. These services are offered with a view to providing pathways out of the justice system for socially and economically disadvantaged women. Students will undertake a range of tasks, including assisting LACW staff to prepare briefs for Court, assisting with ongoing file work, and completing comprehensive intake processes for new clients.
LACW is located in the RMIT Social Innovation Hub, Building 152, 147-155 Pelham Street.
Law & Advocacy Centre for Women website
Youthlaw works to address the legal issues facing young people under 25 through legal services, advocacy, law reform and preventative education programs, within a human rights and social justice framework. Youthlaw provides advice on:
- Fines, debt & ticket inspectors
- Family violence
- Criminal & driving matters
- Police & security guard issues
- Becoming independent, family and relationships
- Discrimination, complaints
- Victims of crime applications
- Tenancy
- Car accidents
- School issues
Students have exposure to Frontyard Youth service clinics, Fines clinic, Family Violence program, the Outreach program (via Headspace centres and youth centres) and the Legal Pod program.
Youthlaw is located in the RMIT Social Innovation Hub, Building 152, 147-155 Pelham Street.