Tag: Stan Winford


How the law deals with death and the serious and devastating harm caused by road trauma

The CIJ recently made a submission to the NSW Law Reform Commission’s review into serious road crime offences, highlighting the benefits of restorative justice in meeting the justice needs of people who have experienced road trauma.

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Legal Services Board funds Aboriginal employment program

Work removing barriers to employment for Aboriginal people will be extended thanks to a new grant from the Victorian Legal Services Board.

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MEDIA RELEASE: CIJ launches new restorative justice service after successful pilot

A new restorative justice program that responds to crime committed by adults in Victoria has been launched by the Centre for Innovative Justice (CIJ) at RMIT University.

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Spent convictions – some good news

Victorian Parliament's Legal and Social Affairs Committee has recommended that a spent convictions scheme be legislated as a matter of urgency.

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Reversing the trend of mass incarceration – do prisons have a role?

Some simple steps to start turning the tide on Victoria's prison population.

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Focus on homelessness for Innovative Justice Semester 1

This semester, the RMIT Juris Doctor’s Innovative Justice subject is focusing on the topic “sleeping rough” as a lens through which to examine innovative justice.

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Drug Law Reform

Since the mid-80s—on paper at least—Australian drug policy has been based on the principle of ‘harm minimisation’.

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A call for innovative responses to youth justice

The history of youth justice in Australia over the last 200 years or so is characterised by the failure of punitive detention to impact on recidivism.

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