Category: News


Online Courts Project Update

The Online Courts project is currently in a critical phase of its research, involving direct engagement with people who have had experiences of online, phone and/or hybrid court hearings in jurisdictions across Victoria in or since 2023. 

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Elena Campbell appointed to federal government’s Expert Panel as part of ‘rapid review’ into prevention approaches to gendered violence

Elena Campbell, CIJ’s Associate Director of Research, Advocacy & Policy, has been appointed to the federal government's Expert Panel on domestic and family violence.

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Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture

The CIJ has made a submission to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment on current issues in the Victorian prison system.

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Need for safe and supported processes for reaching protection orders by consent greater than ever before

The CIJ is thrilled to be able to release research it conducted to support implementation of Recommendation 77 of the Royal Commission into Family Violence – More than just a piece of paper. Getting protection orders made in a safe and supported way.

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New ANROWS project announced!

Building directly on the PIPA project, Elena Campbell and CIJ are leading the new ANROWS funded project 'WRAP around families experiencing adolescent violence in the home (AVITH)' to develop a framework for comprehensive support and earlier intervention.

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Women Transforming Justice – Final Evaluation Report released!

December 2020 marks 10 years since the UN adopted the Bangkok Rules - recognition that women in contact with the criminal justice system require gender-specific, non-custodial responses. Our evaluation of the Women Transforming Justice project shows the value of gender specific approaches to addressing unacceptable rises in women's incarceration in Victoria. Look out for more in 2021 around this vital issue.

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News wins Gold in the Good Design Awards ‘Social Impact’ category!

This week we’re excited to confirm that the online resource has been recognised with an Australian Good Design Gold Award in the social impact category.  

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Reducing barriers to employment for Aboriginal people: Rethinking the Role of Criminal Record Checks Project  

This is a Victorian Legal Services Board funded project being carried out by RMIT University in partnership with Woor-Dungin. We are excited to announce that we will soon be welcoming new partners, Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (VACCHO) and Winda Mara Aboriginal Corporation to contribute to the project.

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Himilo Community Connect pilot

Banyule has one of Australia’s largest Somali communities. In the 2016 Census, there were 1091 Banyule residents with Somali ancestry. In 2016, consultations were undertaken with the Heidelberg West Somali community to identify the challenges they faced. The consultations revealed that an increasing number of Somali young people from the Heidelberg area are coming into contact with the justice system.

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Improved accountability: The role of perpetrator intervention systems

The CIJ was thrilled to see the long awaited release of ANROWS funded research into the role of perpetrator intervention systems. This major edited collection – led by Professor Donna Chung from Curtin University – was a collaboration between researchers from multiple universities in different jurisdictions around Australia. This included a number of chapters co-authored by CIJ Associate Director, Elena Campbell, and will serve as a substantial contribution to the growing evidence base concerning perpetrator interventions. 

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Financial counselling for women in the criminal justice system – a crucial ingredient in a multidisciplinary, positive intervention

The CIJ has just concluded its ground breaking pilot delivering financial counselling services to women in Dame Phyllis Frost Centre.

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A note from CIJ’s Director

We are facing unique and difficult times with the onset of the Coronavirus here in Australia. Not only will COVID-19 change the way we operate as an organisation, but it will put added stress on everyone working in, or associated with, the justice system.

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Measuring crime harm − The reality behind the statistics

The CIJ provided input to the Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) on the development of a Crime Harm Index for Victoria.

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Victim Services & Child Witness Service Reviews

The CIJ is in the final reporting phase of Stage 2 of its review of services for victims of crime, commissioned by Victim Services, Support and Reform within the Department of Justice and Community Safety.

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New resource on perpetrator intervention systems

Bringing together and articulating the complexity of perpetrator intervention systems to improve family safety.

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New project with Djirra

The CIJ is embarking on an exciting new collaboration with Djirra and PWC’s Indigenous Consulting to develop a model and plan for implementation for a residential program for Aboriginal women in Victoria.

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Inaugural Voices for Justice participants graduate with flying colours!

The inaugural Voices for Justice training program has wrapped up on a high as our first round of self-advocates took part in a graduation ceremony at the CIJ earlier this week.

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Supporting Justice website now live!

Supporting Justice is a website that provides practical resources for court and legal professionals to better respond to people with disability in the criminal justice system

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Legal Services Board funds Aboriginal employment program

Work removing barriers to employment for Aboriginal people will be extended thanks to a new grant from the Victorian Legal Services Board.

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Exciting new partnership with Youthlaw!

The CIJ is thrilled to kick off its partnership and co-location with Youthlaw with a new project looking at early intervention support for young people who use or experience family violence.

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Financial counselling – some early data

Our important financial counselling work with women at the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre (DPFC) prison has now been running for three months.

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MEDIA RELEASE: CIJ launches new restorative justice service after successful pilot

A new restorative justice program that responds to crime committed by adults in Victoria has been launched by the Centre for Innovative Justice (CIJ) at RMIT University.

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