Category: Media

Photo of police officer

Lockdown returns: how far can coronavirus measures go before they infringe on human rights?

As of this morning, ten “hot spot” postcodes in Melbourne’s suburbs have gone back into Stage 3 coronavirus lockdown.

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Restorative Justice and Aboriginal-led Decision Making

In a week dominated by stories of the Black Lives Matter protests in the US and closer to home protests against Aboriginal deaths in custody and the overincarceration of our First Nations people, we look at promising Aboriginal-led decision-making processes that are helping protect culture and keep Aboriginal people safer through the justice system in Victoria. We're talking restorative justice, and we're also talking about a beautiful possum cloak that's keeping culture real and present in the children's court.

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Removing barriers to Aboriginal employment

RMIT researchers have partnered with Aboriginal organisations on a new project to tackle barriers to employment for Aboriginal people.

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COVID-19, prisons and the courts

Should prisoners be released because of the risks around coronavirus? And the case of the homeless man, just released from prison who was fined $250 for salvaging pies and iced coffees from a dumpster.

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The importance of financial counselling

CIJ's Financial Counsellor, Sarah Davidson, recently appeared on Saturday Night with Dr Sally Cockburn, 3AW to discuss the importance of financial counselling

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‘Invisible’ victims of teenage violence are already suffering in silence. The legal system is making the problem worse

The abuse began soon after Anita's* eldest son hit his teenage years, she says, and quickly escalated from simple back-chatting to full-blown physical assaults.

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Adolescent family violence is a growing problem – and the legal system is making it worse

Adolescents are consistently identified as perpetrators of violence against family members. We know this from a decade of Victorian court and police data. Victoria’s Royal Commission into Family Violence also highlighted the growing recognition that adolescent perpetration is a serious concern.

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Old convictions for minor crimes to be wiped from the records

We are delighted that this important reform is happening and that our work with Woor Dungin is being recognised! Bravo Jill Hennenssey MP!

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Dorothy Armstrong

Voices for Change self-advocates call on policy makers to listen

"It's about the people in power, policymakers, government, knowing the truth of what happens to people like me in the criminal justice system" CIJ’s Dorothy Armstrong on Voices for Justice training for self-advocates.

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“We must all stand up for an independent judiciary” 

Opinion piece by Rob Hulls published in the Herald Sun, 2 September 2019

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We can’t afford shortcuts on family violence

Just on a month out from a state election, it’s timely to reflect on how far we have come in some areas of Victorian reform.

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Supermax proposal a path to a dark and expensive place

Proposals for a ‘mini supermax’ facility smack of a push towards Victoria’s very own ‘Don Dale’.

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Small changes could save the prison system millions and save lives

Criminal justice processes can be alienating and confusing to even the most legally capable of people.

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Judiciary does a difficult job and does it well

A curious thing happened on the pages of the Herald Sun newspaper recently. Tom Elliott argued that ordinary Victorians should not be compelled to vote if they had no interest in the process…

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Koori Courts help to balance the scales

Around 30 years ago I worked as a lawyer for the Aboriginal Legal Service in northwest Queensland.

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