News + Views

The CIJ advocates for a better justice system through a range of forums including media articles, opinion pieces, speeches and our blog. To request media comment, please contact RMIT Central Communications on +61 439 704 077.

Students, Blog

Integrated practice central to student placements

It has been a busy semester one for students with placements at Youthlaw and the Law and Advocacy Centre for Women (LACW).

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CIJ’s Dorothy Armstrong and Emily Piggott present at the Reintegration Puzzle conference

Their presentation focussed on safe and ethical ways to incorporate the lived experience of people with cognitive disability and involvement in the criminal justice system.

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Online Courts Project Update

The Online Courts project is currently in a critical phase of its research, involving direct engagement with people who have had experiences of online, phone and/or hybrid court hearings in jurisdictions across Victoria in or since 2023. 

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Elena Campbell appointed to federal government’s Expert Panel as part of ‘rapid review’ into prevention approaches to gendered violence

Elena Campbell, CIJ’s Associate Director of Research, Advocacy & Policy, has been appointed to the federal government's Expert Panel on domestic and family violence.

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Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture

The CIJ has made a submission to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment on current issues in the Victorian prison system.

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Do mothers need better support in prison?

CIJ's Elena Campbell speaks on ABC - Melbourne's The Conversation Hour about the impacts of incarcerating women who have children.

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It’s my story. It’s your case, but it’s my story.

Interview Study: Exploring justice system experiences of complainants in sexual offence matters report released.

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How do we make the justice system better for victims? This report offers some solutions

The study is the first of its kind in 27 years, and includes a range of solutions to help improve the justice system for victim/survivors of sexual assault.

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Lawyers urged to be at forefront of change

Our Director, Rob Hulls, recently spoke at the Law Institute of Victoria's Criminal Law Conference.

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Oscar Pistorius was jailed for Reeva Steenkamp’s murder, but her mum is still seeking justice

When the courts say justice is served, families caught in the middle often feel otherwise. The parents of murdered South African model Reeva Steenkamp explain what it would take to feel a sense of justice.

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New Family Violence Research Projects Announced

The CIJ is excited to have been awarded a research grant by Family Safety Victoria to explore the needs of unaccompanied children and young people seeking shelter as a result of family violence.

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Combatting toxic masculinity and violence against women

Can we reprogram masculinity to remove its toxic aspects, or should we focus on harm minimization when it comes to gendered violence? And how can the media better report when it comes to male perpetrated violence towards women and children?

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Centre for Innovative Justice turns 10!

Over 100 staff, students and industry partners recently came together to celebrate the tenth anniversary of RMIT’s Centre for Innovative Justice (CIJ).

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Would you meet with someone who has caused you or your family harm?

CIJ's Rob Hulls, Stan Winford and Nareeda Lewers speak on ABC - Melbourne's The Conversation Hour about the benefits of a restorative justice approach and how it can help victims find a voice & heal harm.

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Specialist Courts and Innovative Justice: a conversation with Rob Hulls

Rob sat down with Victoria Law Foundation's Executive Director Lynne Haultain to discuss the importance of innovative justice, holistic thinking and the specialist courts in Victoria.

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Busting myths about the criminal justice system

This resource provides information to address some common myths about the criminal justice system in Australia generally, and more specifically in the Victorian context.

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Successful ‘first bounce’ for the Women’s SupPORT Pathways Project

LACW’s Women’s SupPORT Pathways Project is entering its second year in 2023, a project looking to support women and gender diverse people (aged 18 years and over who have experience of the criminal legal system or are at risk of experiencing the criminal legal system) to participate in their local Aussie Rules Footy club.

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Student reflection piece by Master of Social Work Students, Genevieve and Lauren

Master of Social Work Students, Genevieve and Lauren on their placement at CIJ.

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“They might want to tell their story their own way, not constrained by rules of evidence or legal processes”

Victims and people harmed by crime say restorative justice helped them heal, now there are calls to make it more available.

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$1.5m boost for innovative road trauma recovery program

The recovery journey of Victorians impacted by road trauma is set to be improved thanks to a ground-breaking new partnership between RMIT and the Transport Accident Commission.

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Better Together

On Friday 14th October 2022 CIJ staff Dorothy Armstrong and Emily Piggott presented at the Office of the Public Advocate (OPA) ‘Better Together’ volunteer conference.

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