News + Views

The CIJ advocates for a better justice system through a range of forums including media articles, opinion pieces, speeches and our blog. To request media comment, please contact RMIT Central Communications on +61 439 704 077.


Drug Law Reform

Since the mid-80s—on paper at least—Australian drug policy has been based on the principle of ‘harm minimisation’.

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Judiciary does a difficult job and does it well

A curious thing happened on the pages of the Herald Sun newspaper recently. Tom Elliott argued that ordinary Victorians should not be compelled to vote if they had no interest in the process…

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Koori Courts help to balance the scales

Around 30 years ago I worked as a lawyer for the Aboriginal Legal Service in northwest Queensland.

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A Federal Charter of Human Rights: Would it make any difference?

In 2016 CIJ was approached by the Human Rights Commission to conduct a project exploring and evaluating the impact that a federal Charter of Human Rights would have had on the outcomes of significant Australian cases and laws.

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Family violence: responding to the next generation

Amidst the array of family violence reform across Australia, how does an issue like adolescent family violence rate?

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Court of Appeal Reflection

RMIT JD student David Gilbert reflects on a week-long internship at the Supreme Court of Appeal

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Accessing justice through technology

I have a confession to make. I am not a lawyer.

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2017 Speeches

The Centre’s Director, Rob Hulls’s keynote speeches from 2017

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My week at the Fair Work Commission

RMIT JD student Jack Faine reflects on a week-long internship at the Fair Work Commission

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A call for innovative responses to youth justice

The history of youth justice in Australia over the last 200 years or so is characterised by the failure of punitive detention to impact on recidivism.

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When compulsion becomes crime

This week is Responsible Gambling Awareness Week, a chance to reflect on how gambling has embedded itself into our culture.

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System which entrenches disadvantage is poorly designed

If we were asked to design a legal system from scratch, it’s unlikely that we’d craft it to increase reoffending.

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2016 Speeches

The Centre’s Director, Rob Hulls’s keynote speeches from 2016

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2015 Speeches

The Centre’s Director, Rob Hulls’s keynote speeches from 2015

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2014 Speeches

The Centre’s Director, Rob Hulls’s keynote speeches from 2014

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2013 Speeches

The Centre’s Director, Rob Hulls’s keynote speeches from 2013

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