Tag: ABI


Inaugural Voices for Justice participants graduate with flying colours!

The inaugural Voices for Justice training program has wrapped up on a high as our first round of self-advocates took part in a graduation ceremony at the CIJ earlier this week.

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Brave survivor calls for change

A domestic violence survivor who has personal experience of the criminal justice system has been recognised for her advocacy work for people living with disability and trauma.

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The indicators of women’s representation we should be worried about

This International Women’s Day, we will either sigh or celebrate over the progress in women’s representation across important institutions.

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RMIT Students bring Order to Court

The third year of the Access to Justice Through Technology stream Innovation Program produced a crop of high quality, low-cost innovative solutions that met the ultimate design thinking test that they must be desirable, feasible and viable.

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Small changes could save the prison system millions and save lives

Criminal justice processes can be alienating and confusing to even the most legally capable of people.

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System which entrenches disadvantage is poorly designed

If we were asked to design a legal system from scratch, it’s unlikely that we’d craft it to increase reoffending.

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