News + Views

The CIJ advocates for a better justice system through a range of forums including media articles, opinion pieces, speeches and our blog. To request media comment, please contact RMIT Central Communications on +61 439 704 077.


Where are they now? David Mejia Canales

The CIJ catches up with past RMIT Juris Doctor student David Mejia Canales to find out what he's been up to.

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Problem solving courts

Some lessons from New Zealand

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A European alternative approach to juvenile detention

Diagrama is a foundation that provides an innovative approach to youth justice.

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Consent orders

The CIJ has been commissioned by the Department of Justice and Regulation to conduct research into the factors that are relevant to FVIOs being reached by consent.

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Where are they now? With Frank Aloe

The CIJ catches up with former RMIT Juris Doctor student Frank Aloe to find out what he's been up to since graduating.

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Improving justice responses to mental health and disability

Building on its groundbreaking work in partnership with Jesuit Social Services and people with lived experience on the Enabling Justice project, the CIJ will undertake a program of research and system change aimed at improving the justice system's response to mental health and disability.

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Women Transforming Justice & Women’s Decarceration Agenda

As part of our new research agenda on women's decarceration, the CIJ will conduct an evaluation of the Women Transforming Justice project.

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Innovative Justice teaching award

Stan Winford and Bronwyn Naylor jointly received two awards, one for 'Research for Impact' in relation to their work with Woor Dungin on the Criminal Record Discrimination and the other for developing and teaching the course Innovative Justice during 2018.

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Curing violence: How we can become a less violent society

The UK's Centre for Justice Innovation recently released a book about reducing violence in society and CIJ's Elena Campbell and Rob Hulls were asked to contribute a chapter about what measures can be brought into view to reduce family violence.

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Making irrelevant convictions history

Victoria is the only Australian state without spent convictions legislation. This means that even trivial offences from decades ago can still appear on police criminal record checks.

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We can’t afford shortcuts on family violence

Just on a month out from a state election, it’s timely to reflect on how far we have come in some areas of Victorian reform.

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Kids at court for family violence matters

McAuley Community Services for Women's Court Support for Kids program is addressing a missing part of the equation.

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2019 Study Tour – we’re going to New York!

The CIJ is proud to be partnering with New York’s Center for Court Innovation to take our Innovative Justice Study Tour to New York City for the first time.

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Brave survivor calls for change

A domestic violence survivor who has personal experience of the criminal justice system has been recognised for her advocacy work for people living with disability and trauma.

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For whom design tolls

In mid 2016, a coalition of community and legal assistance sector organisations sought the Centre’s assistance to facilitate a critical conversation on overhauling Victoria’s toll fines system.

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Past RMIT JD students: Karl Shami

Karl Shami completed the RMIT JD in 2016. We had a chat with him to see what he's been up to since.

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Past RMIT JD students: Sophie Capicchiano Young

Sophie Capicchiano Young completed the RMIT JD in 2015. We had a chat with her to see what she’s been up to since.

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Giving kids a reason to go home

Recent articles have highlighted the consequences of applying punitive responses to children who are using violence in the home. But the CIJ’s research shows that answers to aberrant behaviour by young people do not lie in more punishment, more policing, further vilification. They lie in more support, recognition and safety.

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Woor-Dungin CIJ project wins national award

A unique collaboration between the CIJ and Woor-Dungin has been recognised at the Australian Philanthropy Awards.

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CIJ Internship Program Student Reflections S1 2018

The CIJ offers a range of taster placements to RMIT Law students to give them experiences of the legal and justice system that complement their studies.

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The indicators of women’s representation we should be worried about

This International Women’s Day, we will either sigh or celebrate over the progress in women’s representation across important institutions.

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Fair Work Commission Reflection

Georgia McRae reflects on a week-long placement at the Fair Work Commission

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2018 Speeches

A selection of CIJ Director Rob Hulls’s keynote speeches from 2018

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Towards a multidisciplinary future: Giving vulnerable clients what they want

Legal issues are often intertwined with associated social issues.

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