News + Views

The CIJ advocates for a better justice system through a range of forums including media articles, opinion pieces, speeches and our blog. To request media comment, please contact RMIT Central Communications on +61 439 704 077.


Woor-Dungin in Parliament

Victoria’s Attorney-General, the Hon Martin Pakula MP, has acknowledged the work of Woor-Dungin’s Criminal Record Discrimination Project.

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New Zealand Study Tour insights published

RMIT University law and social work students recently undertook a week-long study tour to Auckland, New Zealand where they visited the Rangatahi Youth Court, Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment and the Court of New Beginnings.

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PIPA – Second Phase Complete!

The PIPA Project has completed another important phase, in which the bulk of its data collection has occurred.

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RMIT Students bring Order to Court

The third year of the Access to Justice Through Technology stream Innovation Program produced a crop of high quality, low-cost innovative solutions that met the ultimate design thinking test that they must be desirable, feasible and viable.

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NZ study tour – a real eye opener

Just how innovative New Zealand's courts are came as quite a surprise to the RMIT law students who recently undertook a week long study tour.

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CIJ and Woor-Dungin collaborate on Criminal Record Discrimination Project

The Centre for Innovative Justice has continued to work with Woor-Dungin on the Criminal Record Discrimination Project.

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Integrating the indefensible

The Victorian Government recently announced a new authority to oversee the management and supervision of serious offenders upon release.

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PIPA heads west

For the sake of alliteration if nothing else, in October the PIPA Project is heading to Perth!

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Infringements Toll On Family Violence

The Royal Commission into Family Violence recognised the burden the fines system was placing on Victorian Magistrates’ Courts.

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Design thinking and the courts

The Centre’s first Design Thinking and the Law Seminar ‘Re-imagining Legal Service Delivery’ was held in Shepparton in late July. 

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Supermax proposal a path to a dark and expensive place

Proposals for a ‘mini supermax’ facility smack of a push towards Victoria’s very own ‘Don Dale’.

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Review: ‘The Storyteller’

A co-production between prisoners in the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre and Somebody's Daughter Theatre Company.

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My week shadowing Magistrate Ann Collins

Amy Nolan reflects on her internship spent shadowing Her Honour Magistrate Ann Collins

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A crop of solutions

The second year of the Access to Justice Innovation Program has produced a crop of potential design and technology solutions to improve service delivery across the legal assistance sector, tackle exploitation in the workplace.

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Small changes could save the prison system millions and save lives

Criminal justice processes can be alienating and confusing to even the most legally capable of people.

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FineFixer Launches!

Fine-Fixer is a web-based tool developed by RMIT students to help users understand their options in relation to their fines.

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Design thinking and the courts

The Centre’s first Design Thinking and the Law Seminar ‘Re-imagining Legal Service Delivery’ introduced participants to the basic principles, processes and practices of design thinking, and then brought their ideas and creativity to bear on some of the key challenges facing our justice system, courts and tribunals through hands on experience.

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Drug Law Reform

Since the mid-80s—on paper at least—Australian drug policy has been based on the principle of ‘harm minimisation’.

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Judiciary does a difficult job and does it well

A curious thing happened on the pages of the Herald Sun newspaper recently. Tom Elliott argued that ordinary Victorians should not be compelled to vote if they had no interest in the process…

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Koori Courts help to balance the scales

Around 30 years ago I worked as a lawyer for the Aboriginal Legal Service in northwest Queensland.

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A Federal Charter of Human Rights: Would it make any difference?

In 2016 CIJ was approached by the Human Rights Commission to conduct a project exploring and evaluating the impact that a federal Charter of Human Rights would have had on the outcomes of significant Australian cases and laws.

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Family violence: responding to the next generation

Amidst the array of family violence reform across Australia, how does an issue like adolescent family violence rate?

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Court of Appeal Reflection

RMIT JD student David Gilbert reflects on a week-long internship at the Supreme Court of Appeal

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Accessing justice through technology

I have a confession to make. I am not a lawyer.

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